antipalindrome / Photoshop-Export-Layers-to-Files-Fast

This script allows you to export your layers as individual files at a speed much faster than the built-in script from Adobe.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Exporting PNG 24 has no transparency in background layers.

MhanolloGhames opened this issue · comments

Exporting PNG 24 has no transparency in background layers.
All background layers has color R:233 G:116 B:76 => e9744c

I have Windows 11 updated and Phostoshop 2022 updated.

Please, I need help.

Thank you.

I solved this problem with update video drivers from Intel and NVidia.
Thank you so much.


Glad to hear you were able to get this fixed!