antfu / vscode-file-nesting-config

Config of File Nesting for VS Code

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Suggestion: `*.esproj`

PindaPixel opened this issue · comments

Clear and concise description of the problem

Visual Studio's JS SDK is probably going to be the norm for ASP.NET developers.

Suggested solution

In my opinion it would make sense to inherit from the other JS projects and also include them under the *.esproj:

    "*.esproj": "*proj.user, svelte.config.*, vite.config.*, vue.config.*, remix.config.*, quasar.conf.js, nuxt.config.*, next.config.*, angular.json, *.env, .babelrc*, .codecov, .cssnanorc*, .env.*, .envrc, .htmlnanorc*, .lighthouserc.*, .mocha*, .postcssrc*, .terserrc*, api-extractor.json, ava.config.*, babel.config.*, contentlayer.config.*, cssnano.config.*, cypress.*, env.d.ts, formkit.config.*, formulate.config.*, histoire.config.*, htmlnanorc.*, i18n.config.*, jasmine.*, jest.config.*, jsconfig.*, karma*, lighthouserc.*, playwright.config.*, postcss.config.*, puppeteer.config.*, rspack.config.*, svgo.config.*, tailwind.config.*, tsconfig.*, tsdoc.*, uno.config.*, unocss.config.*, vitest.config.*, vuetify.config.*, webpack.config.*, windi.config.*",


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