vite-pwa / vite-plugin-pwa

Zero-config PWA for Vite

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self.__WB_MANIFEST is undefined when the strategies is 'injectManifest'

eRendon opened this issue · comments

I have a problem when deploy the proyecto to vercel or any host and previw server in local.

Versión PWA plugin vite

"vite-plugin-pwa": "^0.11.13",

Versión vite
"vite": "^2.6.7",

Version vue
"vue": "^3.0.5",

The configuration of mi custom sw

the configuration of vite plugin

When build the proyect, the error is

and inspec the vendor, i see

and in the self instance, not see __WB_MANIFEST

and the structure of my proyect

i don´t know why not inyected the manifest context in the window context...

Thanks for your help

@eRendon try to upgrade vue version to 3.2, if you cannot upgrade the vue version try adding this line at the top of your sw.ts file:

/// <reference lib="webworker" />

@userquin now my dependences are

i upgrade vue version. Builded whit sourcemap, i see the problem in the PrecachingControll.js file

and the error

add to the /// <reference lib="webworker"/> from the sw file


@eRendon what are you doing importing the src/sw.ts from your src/main.ts module? you cannot import the sw on the main entry, you should remove that import from that module, registerSW call will register the sw.

I test your repo ( using pnpm instead npm and it is working on my local, you will need:

  • remove workbox-precaching from dependencies and add it as dev dependency
  • add workbox-window as dev dependency
  • remove import './sw'; from your main.ts (line 21)



Thanks!!!!! maybe the problem are the workbox-window as dev dependencie and other libraries that i have in dependencies.
The sw importe in the main, is to practice whit the update component registration and notification.

Thanks so much. The problem is solved.