vite-pwa / vite-plugin-pwa

Zero-config PWA for Vite

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Migration guide from vue-cli pwa

719media opened this issue · comments

Is there any sort of migration guide for people who were previously using vue-cli with to use this plugin? In order to avoid service worker problems resulting from production visitors hitting the application with old service-worker code.
It seems that the vue-cli generated the entry at service-worker.js, and this plugin uses sw.js by default, so I am thinking that people with old version of vue-cli generated service-worker will run into problems. I'm a little ignorant of these problems, so I was hoping there might be some migration guide for this.


It also doesn't look like there's an option to configure the manifest.webmanifest filename (I'd prefer to name if manifest.json) as it's hardcoded in a const. Is there a reason/best practice that this shouldn't be configurable (vue-cli pwa default is manifest.json, and allows for changing the name as well)


  • the sw name, just try adding filename: 'service-worker.js' on pwa plugin configuration.
  • your client should update all assets, maybe some not changed but will depend on the webpack configuration you have
  • about the pwa manifest, it is the new standard, maybe you can run a post install hook to change the name on the pwa plugin dependency: maybe I can make it configurable

IIRC vue-cli is using register-service-worker module form Evan, the changes may vary if you're using autoUpdate or prompt strategy on new app.

If you're using autoUpdate with no SSR/SSG, just import virtual:pwa-register and call it on load event and you're done:

// main.js/main.ts
import { registerSW } from 'virtual:pwa-register'
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
  registerSW({ immediate: true })

If you are using vue-router you can register the sw on isReady callback: the sw should only be register once, so use load or isReady:

import { registerSW } from 'virtual:pwa-register'

const router = ....

router.isReady().then(() => {
  registerSW({ immediate: true })

If you're using prompt strategy, you should add/modify a ReloadPrompt.vue, just check the vue-router example, you have the logic on it, just add it to your App.vue or layout.

Wow thank you for the detailed response. By way of information, I am using a very "vanilla/standard" install of the vue-cli, where the only configuration I've done is with iconPaths and themeColor. I am currently doing an autoUpdate strategy where I refresh the assets behind the scenes every time the service-worker gets new content.

Yes, vue-cli does use register-service-worker module that Evan made.

I think I should be able to make a very easy transition from your comments, with the exception of the manifest.json filename, as this is something that I think should be configurable. I can do a postinstall hook for sure, but I do think having this name configurable also makes sense (I see many people name it different things).

Thank you!

@719media you can take a look at this (vanilla with ts, using prompt strategy, just remove the callbacks on virtual pwa module call and the toast/dialog on main.ts):

Don't forget to call the registerSW returned by the virtual module