vite-pwa / vite-plugin-pwa

Zero-config PWA for Vite

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How to exclude a backend route ?

alkanna opened this issue · comments

I have been successfully using this very basic approach :
However, since I have deployed this to production, I have an issue with a route that is supposed to be handled by the load balancer, and then distributed to another service than my SPA.
Currently, if I navigate to /backoffice on my SPA, the service worker seems to be picking up the GET request :
CleanShot 2022-01-28 at 16 55 34

Is there an option to exclude some routes and make then network only ?
I searched a bit on other issues here and found this option, but I don't know if this would be relevant to my case :

workbox: {
        runtimeCaching: [
            handler: 'NetworkOnly',
            urlPattern: /\/backoffice\/.*\/*/,
            method: 'GET',

You can try adding that route to the navigateFallbackDenylist on workbox plugin option (I test it on vue-router examples with the hi route, the route is not being intercepted by the sw):

// vite.config.ts
  // other options
  workbox: {
    navigateFallbackDenylist: [/^\/backoffice/]

Previous option will generate this entry on your sw (you must deal with offline support for excluded routes):

  workbox.registerRoute(new workbox.NavigationRoute(workbox.createHandlerBoundToURL("index.html"), {
    denylist: [/^\/backoffice/]

If I just refresh the page, the sw is not there:


If I go offline, then the sw will intercept the call when navigating but will not work on F5:


Thanks, this seems to do the trick !

You can try adding that route to the navigateFallbackDenylist on workbox plugin option (I test it on vue-router examples with the hi route, the route is not being intercepted by the sw):

// vite.config.ts
  // other options
  workbox: {
    navigateFallbackDenylist: [/^\/backoffice/]

Previous option will generate this entry on your sw (you must deal with offline support for excluded routes):

  workbox.registerRoute(new workbox.NavigationRoute(workbox.createHandlerBoundToURL("index.html"), {
    denylist: [/^\/backoffice/]

This was very helpful, thank you

yes, very helpful!

@userquin may I propose to add a section to docs, like "How to connect pwa to your backend api". I'd guess this is a very common use case for a lot of us, that didn't study workbox docs.

I don't remember any situation where I had to configure denylist in vue2 projects using @vue/cli-plugin-pwa. So actually, with that background, the implicit fallback to /index.html was new to me. To be honest I still don't know whether this is a workbox or vite-pwa default. Please feel free to say "RTFM", if I missed that... :)

Thanks for your work!

@mashpie PR welcome

Should also include the option when using custom sw, using the denylist entry on the navigation route.

I use it a few days ago on vitest docs to exclude the New action for stackblitz

@userquin I'd like to, but I am afraid, that my knowledge of assumptions and internals of vite-plugin-pwa is far too limited.

Still playing with runtimeCaching options, which I can't get to work the way I understand docs ( &

workbox: {
  // navigateFallbackDenylist: [/^\/api/]

  runtimeCaching: [
      handler: 'NetworkFirst',
      urlPattern: /^\/api/,
      // method: 'POST'
      // options: {
      //   backgroundSync: {
      //     name: 'myQueueName',
      //     options: {
      //       maxRetentionTime: 24 * 60
      //     }
      //   }
      // }

but this never hits my backend... not per GET nor per POST - shouldn't it?

@mashpie sorry for late response, you should include the method, if still not working file an issue on workbox repo, this plugin is just a wrapper for workbox