unplugin / unplugin-vue-components

📲 On-demand components auto importing for Vue

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imports for storybook stories

blowsie opened this issue · comments

Should storybook stories work by just adding the files to the include option in the config?

I tried the following, and whilst I can see the components.d.ts file correctly, and unplugin-vue-components is working correctly from within the .vue components, I'm not getting any auto imports working from within my stories themselves.

Please see example below


import type { Meta, Story } from '@storybook/vue3'
import PGrid from './PGrid.vue'

export default {
  title: 'Portal/Grid',
  component: PGrid,
  args: {
    items: [{
        id: 1
} as Meta

const Template: Story<Props> = args => ({
  components: { }, // <== note im not adding PGrid
  setup() {
    return {
  template: `
  `,// <== not working, PGrid not imported / loaded


const AutoImport = require('unplugin-auto-import/webpack')
const Components = require('unplugin-vue-components/webpack')
module.exports = ({config, mode}) => {
    imports: [
    dts: '.storybook/auto-imports.d.ts',
    dirs: ['src/components', '.storybook/common'],
    extensions: ['vue'],
    include: [/\.vue$/, /\.vue\?vue/, /\.stories\.js$/, /\.stories\.ts$/],
    dts: '.storybook/components.d.ts',
  return config

I have the same issue. Are there any solutions?

@blowsie Did you manage to fix this?