unplugin / unplugin-icons

🤹 Access thousands of icons as components on-demand universally.

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Default class is not merged when using react

santiagocezar opened this issue · comments

Similar to issue #53, but React not Vue.

Setting classNameon a icon component overrides the default class set in the config. This is because inside the declaration the className prop is set to $defaultClass, but after that props is spread and overrides className

This is how the declaration kinda looks (got it via console.logging the component)

const icOutlineShoppingCart = (props) => /* @__PURE__ */ _jsxDEV("svg", {
  style: {
    color: "red"
  className: "my-default-class",
  // ...

IMO it should be something like

const icOutlineShoppingCart = ({className, style, ...props}) => /* @__PURE__ */ _jsxDEV("svg", {
  style: {
    color: "red"
    ...(style || {}) // might be undefined
  className: "my-default-class" + " " + (className || ""), // could be undefined too 
  // ...