antfu / reactivue

πŸ™Š Use Vue Composition API in React components

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Add Integration Tests

crutchcorn opened this issue Β· comments

Hello! πŸ‘‹ I love the work you've been doing on this project. In fact, it inspired me (and the code therewithin πŸ˜… - I plan on giving more credit than I am currently when I write more docs) to write an Angular alternative ngx-vue that I'm actively working on.

One of the things I'm working on with this library is tests using the Angular Testing Library to make sure that nothing is broken between releases and that everything works as-expected.

Here's an example of some of the tests I'm writing

While looking at reactivue to see if there were any tests like this, I was surprised to find that there weren't. I would love to contribute tests using the React Testing Library. Would this be a welcome contribution?

Thanks so much yet again for this awesome library.

As you probably know I am more like a Vue guy and I am that expertise in React (and TBH I am not actually using this lib myself recently). But really happy to see someone find this lib useful and inspiring, thank you! And that would be awesome if you are interested in setting up the tests or even help on improving this project :)