antfu / live-draw

A tool allows you to draw on screen real-time.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Any chance making it cross platform including mobile

RYG81 opened this issue · comments


First of all amazing work. Just 800 KB and it looks awesome and works awesome,
I would like to know if there is a future of it becoming cross platform (including mobile OS) software.

This project highly rely on Windows Ink, which is only supported by .NET on Windows – so unfortunately no 😞

In theory, WPF-interface can be reused from Xamarin based app with similar functionality, but drawing code needed to be re-implemented from scratch, since windows ink can't be used.

Also, since project compiles and work fine .NET 5 platform on plain x86 Windows(we can easily switch to it), it's should be possible to run it on tables which use ARM64 Windows(like Microsoft Surface Pro X). But i don't have such devices for testing..