antfu / esbuild-node-loader

Transpile TypeScript to ESM with Node.js loader.

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A mode that disallows .ts and no extension files

thetutlage opened this issue Β· comments

Hello Again πŸ‘‹

I use esbuild-node-loader mainly for running tests and development and still rely on TypeScript tsc for creating the final distribution build.

Quite often I run into this problem where I forget to add extension .js to an imported file, run my tests using esbuild-node-loader and everything works fine. Then I create the distribution build, publish the package on npm and boom everything breaks because the tsc does not rewrite import extensions.

So I thought to check with you and see if there can be a mode that only allows .js extensions, so that the code can break early in the development lifecycle

I guess it's better to set up an eslint rule?

Sounds like a plan. No idea why I didn't think about it. Thanks πŸ‘