antfu-collective / vitesse-webext

⚡️ WebExtension Vite Starter Template

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

pnpm install fails

TonyThorne opened this issue · comments

I have installed the template using the following commands:

npx degit antfu/vitesse-webext my-webext
cd my-webext
pnpm i

The pnpm i fails with the following error.

 WARN  GET error (ERR_PNPM_FETCH_404). Will retry in 10 seconds. 2 retries left.
 WARN  GET error (ERR_PNPM_FETCH_404). Will retry in 1 minute. 1 retries left.
Progress: resolved 761, reused 758, downloaded 0, added 0, done
 ENOENT  ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\development\projects\vonster-webext\node_modules\.pnpm\esbuild-windows-64@0.13.3\node_modules\esbuild-windows-64\package.json'

I then tried the default Vitesse template, which worked fine.

try pnpm i --force to recreate a lockfile


I tried the --force option, but I got the same error.

I then tried a completely different machine. I installed pnpm, then followed the above steps. I got the same error. I then ran the pnpm I --force, but unfortunately, I still got the same error.

Both machines are Windows 10 64bit.

I also tested the Vitesse Lite project and it worked fine.

Thanks in advanced. Tony


delete pnpm-lock.yaml,and run pnpm i

It seems that the download url of package has broken.

Thanks. That worked :-)
I deleted the pnpm-lock.yaml, and ran pnpm i, this had some different errors, so I ran pnpm i --force and it worked. :-) Thanks very much for your help.
