antfu-collective / ni

💡 Use the right package manager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Enhancement for non-interactive use cases

LinuxSuRen opened this issue · comments


Clear and concise description of the problem

For non-interaceive use cases, it would be great if there is a flag to skip any potential prompt. For instance, it will let user to do the following choice if the pnpm does not exist:

  • Would you like to globally install pnpm?

In the CI situation, usually there is no user interactives.

Suggested solution

Please feel free to see also the following example usage:

ni -i=false # -i means --interactive


No response

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No response



In my case, I wish ni could install an agent automatically. So, how to set autoInstall?

You can run nci which installs agent automatically


This is what I need. Thanks for your help.