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Adding support for Bit workspace

zkochan opened this issue · comments

Clear and concise description of the problem

In a Bit workspace bit install should be executed.

Suggested solution

If there is a workspace.jsonc file in the directory, then run bit install.


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I am open to that, but I got a few questions:

  • Is bit a near 1:1 replacement to the other package manager? (I supposed it's powered by pnpm underneath - would it be the case you need to run other commands from pnpm when using bit or are they all forwarded?)
  • workspace.jsonc sounds like a bit general to me, do you think it's safe to be the detect source?
  • Does it support packageManager field?

My questions are mostly asking if bit can be considered a full "package manager". That said, I am open to PRs. If the support of bit could be close to the existing package managers then sure :)

Is bit a near 1:1 replacement to the other package manager? (I supposed it's powered by pnpm underneath - would it be the case you need to run other commands from pnpm when using bit or are they all forwarded?)

It uses pnpm by default but also supports Yarn. It is not a 1:1 replacement but some commands match. The install command for sure. You cannot use pnpm commands directly in a bit workspace as a bit workspace doesn't have package.json files.

workspace.jsonc sounds like a bit general to me, do you think it's safe to be the detect source?

OK, we can check for .bitmap instead.

Does it support packageManager field?

No, I am not sure if it will. A bit workspace doesn't package.json files at all.