antchfx / xmlquery

xmlquery is Golang XPath package for XML query.

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Get Xpath of Node

WAY29 opened this issue · comments

Is there a method or function that can get xpath from *xmlquery.Node? Sometimes this is useful.

In order to implement a function, I had to write the following code, I think this code is very inefficient and maybe wrong. The Xpath of each node should be obtained during Parse:

func GetXpathFromNode(node *xmlquery.Node) string {
	var getXpathFromNode func(node *xmlquery.Node, depth int, path string) string

	getXpathFromNode = func(node *xmlquery.Node, depth int, path string) string {
		if node == nil {
			return ""
		nodeType := node.Type

		if nodeType == xmlquery.CommentNode || nodeType == xmlquery.DeclarationNode || nodeType == xmlquery.CharDataNode {
			return ""

		data := node.Data
		prefix := ""
		switch nodeType {
		case xmlquery.TextNode:
			path = "text()"
		case xmlquery.DocumentNode:
			prefix = "/"
		case xmlquery.ElementNode:
			prefix = data
		case xmlquery.AttributeNode:
			prefix = "@" + data

		hasIndex := false
		if node.PrevSibling != nil {
			count := 0
			for prev := node.PrevSibling; prev != nil; prev = prev.PrevSibling {
				if prev.Type == node.Type && prev.Data == data {
			if count > 0 {
				prefix = fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", prefix, count+1)
				hasIndex = true

		if !hasIndex && node.NextSibling != nil {
			existed := false
			for next := node.NextSibling; next != nil; next = next.NextSibling {
				if next.Type == node.Type && next.Data == data {
					existed = true
			if existed {
				prefix = fmt.Sprintf("%s[1]", prefix)

		if prefix != "" {
			if !strings.HasSuffix(prefix, "/") {
				prefix += "/"
			path = prefix + path

		if depth < 128 && node.Parent != nil {
			path = getXpathFromNode(node.Parent, depth+1, path)

		return strings.TrimRight(path, "/")

	return getXpathFromNode(node, 0, "")