ant-design / static-style-extract

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Antd version needs to match project antd version

hannesj opened this issue · comments

Currently the package specifies the antd version in the dependencies as ^5.3.0. When using yarn as package manager, when upgrading the antd dependency in a project, yarn wants to keep the version previously installed for each dependency and copies the previously installed version to node_modules inside @ant-design/static-style-extract directory in node_modules. This causes two different versions of antd to be installed, which makes the themes not work when extracting the css. Instead of the current way of specifying the antd dependency, it would be better to put it inside peerDependencies, as is suggested in the documentation.

We're looking forward to that, too.

Thanks for the feedback. Let me follow up on this.

Completed in @ant-design/static-style-extract@1.0.2