ansible-collections / community.zabbix

Zabbix Ansible modules

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Template import problem. Fails on unavailable trigger.

djdejawu opened this issue · comments

Today I've exported a few templates from one Zabbix server to make same in another. This playbook works perfect to save requested template from old one.

- name: Dump playbook
  hosts: old_zabbix
    - name: Get zabbix template
        template_name: AAA_Weather
        format: xml
        omit_date: true
      register: template
    - name: Print template
        msg: "{{ template.template_xml }}"
    - name: Write template to file
      delegate_to: localhost
        content: "{{ template.template_xml }}"
        dest: weather.xml
        mode: '0644'

But when I'm trying to import saved template what have a trigger with dependcies it's fails with message what trigger doesn't exist. Depended trigger in imported XML. How to figure out this problem?


        state: present
        template_xml: "{{ lookup('file', 'weather.xml') }}"


connection error occurred: REST API returned {'code': -32500, 'message': 'Application error.', 'data': 'Trigger \"Device: {ITEM.VALUE}\" depends on trigger \"Device: {ITEM.VALUE}\", which does not exist.

Seriously, when I'm open GUI, selecting template and Import it's works perfectly! idk wtd

What version of ansible, python, Zabbix, and Zabbix collection are you running?

Hello, @pyrodie18
ansible --version

ansible [core 2.16.6]
  config file = None
  configured module search path = ['/home/user/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /home/user/git/ansible_zabbix/venv/lib64/python3.12/site-packages/ansible
  ansible collection location = /home/user/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
  executable location = /home/user/git/ansible_zabbix/venv/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.12.2 (main, Feb 21 2024, 00:00:00) [GCC 13.2.1 20231205 (Red Hat 13.2.1-6)] (/home/user/git/ansible_zabbix/venv/bin/python3)
  jinja version = 3.1.3
  libyaml = True

python3 --version

Python 3.12.2

ansible collection

community.zabbix                         2.3.1

old Zabbix

Zabbix 5.0.37

new Zabbix

Zabbix 5.2.3

@djdejawu the zabbix collection >=2.0 doesn't support < 6.0 Zabbix. Roll back to a version of the collection before we did the 2.0 release and you'll likely be fine.

@pyrodie18 Nope, doesn't helped.

ansible-galaxy collection list community.zabbix

# /home/user/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections
Collection       Version
---------------- -------
community.zabbix 1.9.3

I've got

connection error occurred: REST API returned {'code': -32500, 'message': 'Application error.', 'data': 'Trigger \"Device: {ITEM.VALUE}\" depends on trigger \"Device: {ITEM.VALUE}\", which does not exist.