anoopjayaram / NodeMCU-ESP8266--Send-data-to-Google-Drive

We are measuring current consumption of any Electronic Appliance by connecting it with a Current detecting sensor, which is further connected to ESP Module(NodeMCU Base ver 1.0). We can access or see the value of that sensor remotely from anywhere. Data is displayed and updated realtime in the personal Google drive(Spreadsheet) account.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


In this project, we can send data from ESP Module(NodeMCU Base ver 1.0), which can be internally processed data or data from any external source.Those data values are then send to anyone's personal Google Drive account in the form of Spreadsheets.


  1. Log in into your google drive and create a new Blank Spreadsheet.
  2. Enter details of the tags into header row, such as: Time, Output1, Output2 and at last save it.
  3. Then select Tools->Script editor. A new Script file will be opened, rename it with the same filename that you gave to your Spreadsheet.
  4. Copy the code in the file "Cloud_scriptfile.txt" and paste it into your Script file.
  5. Replace sheet_id wriiten in the code by the Sheet ID of your Spreadsheet.<SHEET_ID>/edit#gid=0


  6. Then save your script and select Publish/Deploy as web app. After Deploying, you will got a link like this:<SCRIPT_ID>/exec?

    NOTE: Select option Anyone or Anyone, even anonymous.

  7. After this open latest version of Arduino IDE code(*.ino) and uplode it in the ESP Module (NodeMCU Base ver 1.0).
  8. If you want to take input from any external device then connect that device onto Pin-D4(GPIO5). Otherwise, just send values by using Send(x,y);.


We are measuring current consumption of any Electronic Appliance by connecting it with a Current detecting sensor, which is further connected to ESP Module(NodeMCU Base ver 1.0). We can access or see the value of that sensor remotely from anywhere. Data is displayed and updated realtime in the personal Google drive(Spreadsheet) account.


Language:C++ 100.0%