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[Chat 2] Name colors throwing exception and failing to load messages after Simple Tweaks v1.8.8.0

jasinkare opened this issue · comments

After the most recent version of Simple Tweaks made changes to chat name colors, Chat 2 is no longer loading any messages containing colored names.

This error is thrown after every message:

System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'SimpleTweaksPlugin.ExtraPayloads.ColorPayload' to type 'Dalamud.Game.Text.SeStringHandling.Payloads.RawPayload'.
   at ChatTwo.Util.ChunkUtil.ToChunks(SeString msg, ChunkSource source, Nullable`1 defaultColour) in /work/repo/ChatTwo/Util/ChunkUtil.cs:line 70
   at ChatTwo.Store.ChatMessage(XivChatType type, UInt32 senderId, SeString sender, SeString message) in /work/repo/ChatTwo/Store.cs:line 360
   at Dalamud.Game.Gui.ChatGui.HandlePrintMessageDetour(IntPtr manager, XivChatType chattype, IntPtr pSenderName, IntPtr pMessage, UInt32 senderid, IntPtr parameter) in C:\goatsoft\companysecrets\dalamud\Game\Gui\ChatGui.cs:line 413```

Please let me know if you need any more info. Should be easily reproducible.

Temporary solution for anyone who reads is to enable "Use old colour limits." in the tweak settings, which retains the old behavior.