ankitpokhrel / jira-cli

🔥 Feature-rich interactive Jira command line.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

keychain + PAT does not work

AlexCzar opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Does not work with API token saved to keychain

Please provide following details

  1. JiraCLI Version:
(Version="1.4.0", GitCommit="eb842e18014303a575fde8e19508b3c7c13982c5", CommitDate="2023-05-09T07:09:45+00:00", GoVersion="go1.19.4", Compiler="gc", Platform="darwin/arm64")
  1. Are you using Jira cloud or on-premise jira server?

Version:         8.20.10
Build Number:    820010
Deployment Type: Server
Default Locale:  
  1. What operating system are you using? Also mention version.
ProductName:		macOS
ProductVersion:		13.4.1
ProductVersionExtra:	(c)
BuildVersion:		22F770820d
  1. What terminal are you using? Also mention version.
kitty 0.29.1 created by Kovid Goyal

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. add PAT to keychain access -> Local Items, as described in configuration
  2. export JIRA_AUTH_TYPE=bearer
  3. without existing jira configuration run `jira init
  4. you'll see 401 error

Expected behavior
init process is successful

Additional context
it works if the API key is in login chain though, so maybe just the configuration should be updated.