ankitasaxena17 / docker-compose-drupal

Drupal Docker Compose dev stack.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Drupal 8 Docker Development



Focus on simple set-up, based on Docker official images and lightweight Alpine Linux to ease maintenance.


Every service is optional as declared in the yml file.

Optional Php Tools

Quick launch new Drupal 8 project

# Clone this project.
git clone docker-drupal
cd docker-drupal

# Create your docker compose file from template.
cp docker-compose.tpl.yml docker-compose.yml

# (Optional) choose a db, remove or add services, add your composer cache folder.
# But you can let it as it for a default quick stack.
vi docker-compose.yml

# Create your config file from template.
cp default.env .env

# Edit your configuration if needed, recommended on Unix add your local uid/gid.
vi .env

# Check the config and fix if needed.
docker-compose config

# For an existing Drupal 8 project, create folders and copy it in
# Note that based on Composer template you we root should be under _drupal/web_
# folder. If not you need to adapt Apache vhost config from config/apache/vhost.conf
mkdir -p data/www/drupal
cp -r _YOUR_DRUPAL_ data/www/drupal/

# Launch the containers (first time include downloading Docker images).
docker-compose up --build -d

# Quick check logs to ensure startup is finished, mostly Apache.
docker-compose logs apache

Note: If you have a permission denied from now it's because of owner of /var/run/docker.sock, run docker and docker-compose commands as sudo.

Access the stack dashboard and your Drupal root


If you have copy an existing Drupal project, you can import the database from the adminer link in the dashboard.

Setup Drupal 8 with Composer

Code download

Setup a new Drupal 8 based on a composer template (yes it's slower, but this is the good way!) with user Apache.

Based on Drupal 8 template, include Drush and Drupal console, using Composer in the docker service:

docker exec -it -u apache dcd-php \
composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-dev /var/www/localhost/drupal --stability dev --no-interaction

OR locally if you have Composer, from this project root:

composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-dev data/www/drupal --stability dev --no-interaction

Install Drupal 8

To use PostGresSQL change mysql to pgsql

docker exec -it -u apache dcd-php /var/www/localhost/drupal/vendor/bin/drush -y si \
--root=/var/www/localhost/drupal/web \
--account-name=admin \
--account-pass=password \

Access your Drupal 8

# Login with admin / password

Daily usage, add some modules

docker exec -it -u apache dcd-php \
composer -d=/var/www/localhost/drupal require \
drupal/admin_toolbar drupal/ctools drupal/pathauto drupal/token drupal/panels

Daily usage, enable some modules

docker exec -it -u apache dcd-php \
/var/www/localhost/drupal/vendor/bin/drush -y en \
--root=/var/www/localhost/drupal/web \
admin_toolbar ctools ctools_block ctools_views panels token pathauto

Daily usage, run a command on the server

docker exec -it -u apache dcd-php \
ls -lah /var/www/localhost/drupal

Login in the Apache to run commands

docker exec -it -u apache dcd-php bash

Reset the stack

Destroy containers (data/ is persistent, so you are not loosing db or files)

docker-compose stop && docker-compose down

Remove your persistent data (and lost everything!)

rm -rf data

Suggested tools

You can find a script in scripts/ folder to download or update all tools.

cd THIS_PROJECT/scripts/
chmod +x


When accessing http://localhost:8181/ error:

Fatal error: Uncaught Http\Client\Socket\Exception\ConnectionException: Permission denied in phar:///var/www/dashboard/dashboard.phar/vendor/php-http/socket-client/src/Client.php:114...

Solution, fix local /var/run/docker.sock permission to local user:

chown $USER:$USER /var/run/docker.sock


Drupal Docker Compose dev stack.


Language:PHP 82.2%Language:JavaScript 8.4%Language:Shell 5.4%Language:VCL 3.8%Language:CSS 0.2%