ankane / strong_migrations

Catch unsafe migrations in development

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Getting an error complaining about MariaDB Version

wleeper opened this issue · comments

I have an application using mysql2 driver, strong_migration 1.8.0 and a MariaDB 10.4 running in a Docker container.

When I run a migration I get the following error:

MariaDB version (5.7) not supported in this version of Strong Migrations (1.8.0)

I have installed MariaDB locally using Homebrew and it still gives this error, although i am connecting to the Docker database still.

Is there a known issue or configuration issue with this approach. I will probably abandon the Docker database in favor of a local one at some point anyway, but wanted to see if I could fix this easily first.

Hi @wleeper, it may be an issue with version parsing. What does SELECT VERSION() return?

Also, make sure StrongMigrations.target_mariadb_version isn't set to 5.7.

=> [["10.11.7-MariaDB-1:10.11.7+maria~ubu2204"]]

It looks like it was the StrongMigrations.target_version was indeed set to equal 5.7. Not sure why this is the case and why I amongst my team was the only one experiencing the issue. In production we use an AWS RDS database and the comment in the file was related to that.