ankane / searchjoy

Search analytics made easy

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On Migration (index too long)

franciscopinheir opened this issue · comments

ArgumentError: Index name 'index_searchjoy_searches_on_convertable_id_and_convertable_type' on table 'searchjoy_searches' is too long; the limit is 62 characters

Hey @franciscopinheir, what database and version of Rails are you on?


Hey @franciscopinheir, which version of Rails?

Hi, sorry.

Rails 5.1.5

All fixed 1f0f90c. Thanks @franciscopinheir 👍

i am still getting this error. has this issue not been resolved yet?

Hey @sanjaygir, looks like another change broke it. Try master.

hi @ankane . Thanks for a speedy reply. Currently i am using gem 'searchjoy' in my gemfile. Do i need to specify it differently in order to use master branch. Please guide. Thanks a lot!