ankane / pghero

A performance dashboard for Postgres

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Multi-architecture images for tags other than `latest`

philipahlberg opened this issue · comments

Currently the ankane/pghero:latest tag is marked as multi-architecture, while individual versions (e.g. v3.3.4) are not. This means that if you want to use pghero across multiple architectures, you're forced to use :latest since every other tag is architecture-specific.

Would it be possible to mark versions as multi-architecture as well? I assume they exist already since it works for :latest. I would make a PR to suggest a fix, but it doesn't seem to be handled in CI, so I'm not sure how images are built and tagged.

Hi @philipahlberg, this change was made after the last version release (#473) and will be part of the next one.

Awesome, thanks! Are you planning a release soon by any chance?