ankane / pghero

A performance dashboard for Postgres

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Index Suggestions do not work with PgQuery 4.2.0

natematykiewicz opened this issue · comments

I followed the instructions to set up Index Suggestions.

gem "pg_query", ">= 2"

Looks like PgQuery went from v2.2.1 to v4.2.0 last February.

Since this was a fresh install, I got the latest version.

What I experienced was that any time I include a WHERE clause, I just get "Unknown structure".

PgHero.best_index('select id from users where id = 1')
=> {:found=>false, :explanation=>"Unknown structure"}

After a lot of digging, I found the problem was:

undefined method `str' for <PgQuery::String: sval: "=">:PgQuery::String

Changing my Gemfile to this fixes it. It installs v2.2.1.

gem "pg_query", ">= 2", "< 4"

Hey @natematykiewicz, thanks for reporting. Just pushed a fix for the str issue (and need to follow up w/ pg_query about parsing queries normalized with ?). fwiw, 4.2.0 was released this month (the year in the changelog is off).

the year in the changelog is off

That makes way more sense. So it's not even been 2 weeks then.

Thanks for sorting this so quickly!