ankane / distribute_reads

Scale database reads to replicas in Rails

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reads not getting sent to replica

wjessop opened this issue · comments

Using Rails 5.0 (tested on 5.1 and 5.2 also) Ruby 2.6.5, and the latest version of distribute_reads.

I've set up my database.yml as below and included the latest distribute_reads in my Gemfile, but for some reason reads aren't getting sent to the replica, which I can see by tailing the logs of my primary and replica databases. Where should I be looking to diagnose the issue?

[2] pry(main)> distribute_reads{ UserActivity.count } # Runs on the primary
=> 20012

The database config:

development: &default
  adapter: postgresql
  database: connector_development
  encoding: utf8
  min_messages: warning
  pool: <%= Integer(ENV["DB_POOL"] || 5) %>
  reaping_frequency: <%= Integer(ENV["DB_REAPING_FREQUENCY"] || 10) %>
  timeout: 5000
    statement_timeout: 5000 # ms
  connect_timeout: 1
  checkout_timeout: 1
  prepared_statements: false

  # add a makara subconfig
    # optional id to identify the proxy with this configuration for stickiness
    id: postgres
    disable_blacklist: true
    master_ttl: 5
    master_strategy: failover
    slave_strategy: round_robin
    sticky: false

    # list your connections with the override values (they're merged into the top-level config)
    # be sure to provide the role if master, role is assumed to be a slave if not provided
      - role: master
        name: primary
        url: postgres://
      - name: replica
        url: postgres://

Hey @wjessop, it looks likes the config isn't using the Makara adapter. Check out the readme for how database.yml should look.

Oh, thanks @ankane, I totally missed that!