ankane / distribute_reads

Scale database reads to replicas in Rails

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Distribute reads Makara with Heroku Postgres Not working

punter82 opened this issue · comments


I am using heroku Primary follower and configured Makara with distribute reads. I followed all the configurations mentioned in the readme and also what in general others have been using and it all looks fine. I am also using PG bouncer with connection pool. Now my problem is the Read/select queries are not going to replica and it always goes to primary. My database.yml is below
`default: &default
<% if ENV["MASTER_SLAVE_REPLICA"] == 'on' %>
url: postgresql-makara:///
sticky: true
- role: master
name: primary
- name: replica
<% else %>
adapter: postgresql
host: <%= ENV['PGHOST'] %>
username: <%= ENV['POSTGRES_USER'] %>
<% end %>

<<: *default
database: db_name
<<: *default
database: test_db

prepared_statements: false`

I tried having an initializer for distribute reads and added
`DistributeReads.by_default = true =
Also tried both distribute_reads(replica: true) do end and distribute_reads do also ensure i am adding the to_a too for some lazy evaluation where queries. No matter what it never goes to replica.

Can someone tell me what i am still missing ?

Hey @punter82, unfortunately, I don't have the bandwidth to help with app-specific issues. Try posting on Stack Overflow.

Curious, @punter82 , this line ... <% if ENV["MASTER_SLAVE_REPLICA"] == 'on' %> ... do you have an ENV variable set for this to evaluate? I'm wondering if this is skipped and you are thus skipping all the code to configure for postgresql-makara. I have a Heroku app I wish to use this on ... but am currently unclear on the configuration. If you've had success, please share. Thanks!