ankane / distribute_reads

Scale database reads to replicas in Rails

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Setting up database.yml for test environment

blindMoe opened this issue · comments

Is there a recommended method of setting up the test environment to not use read replicas at all? I figured that since Makara was not defined in the test environment DistributeReads would just fall back to the master but it seems as though it is not the case.

If I remove the distribute_reads block surrounded the failing code the tests start passing again in CI. Note that locally the tests pass fine w/o having a read replica setup which makes me think that distribute_reads is actually failing to master but I figured I would ask just in case I am missing something simple.

Here is a snippet of my database.yml:

default: &default
  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
  pool: <%= ENV['DATABASE_POOL'] || 5 %>

development: &development
  <<: *default
  database: development
  host: <%= ENV['DATABASE_HOST'] || 'localhost' %>
  port: <%= ENV['DATABASE_PORT'] || '5432' %>
  username: <%= ENV['DATABASE_USERNAME'] || 'postgres' %>
  password: <%= ENV['DATABASE_PASSWORD'] || '' %>

  <<: *development
  database: test<%= ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'] %>

  <<: *default
  url: <%= ENV['DATABASE_URL'] %>

  <<: *default
  <% if ENV["USE_MAKARA"] %>
  url: postgresql-makara:///
    sticky: true
      - role: master
        blacklist_duration: 0
        disable_blacklist: true
        name: primary
        url: <%= ENV["DATABASE_URL"] %>
      - name: replica
        url: <%= ENV["DATABASE_READ_REPLICA_URL"] %>
  <% else %>
  url: <%= ENV['DATABASE_URL'] %>
  <% end %>