ankane / authtrail

Track Devise login activity

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Proposal] Allow configuring default strategy stored in database on fail

alexsoble opened this issue · comments

Hey there @ankane! I've been evaluating authtrail for use in an open-source product for schools,

Our app uses a custom Devise strategy we're calling "ldap_authenticatable_tiny" instead of the default "database_authenticatable" strategy.

One issue I noticed while testing out authtrail is that when a user fails a login attempt, that login activity is always stored with a strategy of "database_authenticatable", whether or not that was the actual strategy used. Here's the relevant line of code:

I looked through the code and saw that in the Warden::Manager.before_failure callback, Warden doesn't pass in enough information to let us know what strategy is used. That makes me think "database_authenticatable" is being used as a generic default.

Would you be open to a pull request that allows a developer installing authtrail to configure which string they'd like to pass in as a default for the "strategy" column on failed LoginActivity records? In the case of my app, I'd like to pass in "ldap_authenticatable_tiny". That will help keep our LoginActivity table correct and sensible, since it wouldn't make sense to fill the table with failed logins using a strategy we don't support.

If this would be a welcome PR, I'd want to take a pass at it. Thanks!

Hey @alexsoble, it looks like env["warden"] has info on default strategies. I think we can use that to populate the field.

@ankane Good catch! Looking into it now.

@ankane Opened an initial PR in #12, let me know if this looks like it's on the right track or if there are scenarios/edge cases I may be missing here.