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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool ne fonctionne plus

MartChic opened this issue · comments ne fonctionne plus depuis hier (13 août). Un exemple de log :

2019-08-14 07:41:43.078 T:1513091808 ERROR: NEWADDON Invalid Date Format "2016-09-15 04:00:00" 2019-08-14 07:41:43.080 T:1513091808 ERROR: NEWADDON Invalid Date Format "2016-09-14 04:00:00" 2019-08-14 07:41:43.083 T:1513091808 ERROR: NEWADDON Invalid Date Format "2016-09-13 04:00:00" 2019-08-14 07:41:55.678 T:1531089632 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 2019-08-14 07:41:55.678 T:1531089632 ERROR: EXCEPTION: XBMC is not playing any media file 2019-08-14 07:41:55.728 T:1901802336 NOTICE: VideoPlayer::OpenFile:,format=mpd-time-csf) 2019-08-14 07:41:56.044 T:1475150560 NOTICE: Creating InputStream 2019-08-14 07:41:58.797 T:1475150560 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 400 2019-08-14 07:41:58.798 T:1475150560 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 400 for 2019-08-14 07:41:58.799 T:1475150560 ERROR: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: License server returned failure 2019-08-14 07:41:58.800 T:1475150560 ERROR: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: License update not successful (no keys) 2019-08-14 07:41:58.835 T:1475150560 ERROR: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: Initialize failed (SingleSampleDecrypter) 2019-08-14 07:41:58.837 T:1475150560 ERROR: CVideoPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [,format=mpd-time-csf)] 2019-08-14 07:41:58.837 T:1475150560 NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::OnExit() 2019-08-14 07:41:58.884 T:1531089632 ERROR: EXCEPTION: XBMC is not playing any media file 2019-08-14 07:41:58.906 T:1901802336 NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile() 2019-08-14 07:41:58.906 T:1901802336 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit 2019-08-14 07:41:58.906 T:1901802336 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: finished waiting 2019-08-14 07:41:59.710 T:1901802336 WARNING: CGUIMediaWindow::OnMessage - updating in progress 2019-08-14 07:42:04.625 T:1483543264 ERROR: NEWADDON Invalid Date Format "2019-04-18 04:00:00" 2019-08-14 07:42:04.850 T:1483543264 ERROR: NEWADDON Invalid Date Format "2019-04-17 04:00:00"

Il y a eu un update de widevine. Juste a appliquer l update (devrait proposer lorsque tu lance une emission).

Ah ok, mais ça ne me propose pas d'update pour widevine et je ne trouve pas comment le faire manuellement. Je suis avec Raspbian Stretch sur un Raspberry pi. Merci !

Ok, j'ai installé widevine d'après ce site :

Quand j'ai ensuite lancé, ça m'a offert la mise à jour pour widevine et tout fonctionne maintenant. Merci !