aniketpant / instamojo-php

A PHP wrapper for the Instamojo API.

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PHP wrapper for Instamojo API

Assists you to create, edit and delete offers on Instamojo using PHP.


Create a new instance

$instance = new Instamojo('TOKEN_FROM_INSTAMOJO', 'USERNAME', 'PASSWORD');

Authenticate the instance by sending the username & password and in turn receiving a Authentication Token.

$auth = $instance->apiAuth();

Creating an offer. This will give you JSON object containing details of the offer that was just created.

$offer = $instance->createOffer();

Using an already existing authentication token

$instance = new Instamojo('TOKEN_FROM_INSTAMOJO');

Available Functions

You have these functions to interact with the API:

  • getVersion() Get the version of the API wrapper.
  • setAuthToken() Set the authentication token for the current instance. This method is used when you have already authenticated the application once for a user and wish to reuse it.
  • apiAuth() Authenticate the application.
  • listAllOffers() List all the offers of the user.
  • listOneOfferDetail(slug) List the complete offer details of the offer id mentioned in slug.
  • deleteAuthToken() WARNING!! Deletes the authentication token received from Instamojo. Nothing will work after deleting this.
  • archiveOffer(slug) Archives(Deletes) the offer whose id is supplied.
  • setTitle(title) Title, keep concise since slug is auto-generated.
  • setDescription(description) Detailed description of the offer, can contain markdown.
  • setCurrency(currency) Currency of the offer. Can be INR or USD.
  • setBasePrice(base_price) Price of the offer as a decimal (up to 2 decimal places)
  • setQuantity(quantity) Keep zero for unlimited quantity, any other positive number will limit sales/claims of the offer and make it unavailable afterwards.
  • setStartDate(start_date) Required for events, date-time when the event begins. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm
  • setEndDate(end_date) Required for events, date-time when the event ends. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm
  • setTimeZone(timezone) Required for events, date-time when the event begins. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm
  • setVenue(venue) Required for events, location where the event will be held.
  • setRedirectURL(redirect_url) You can set this to a thank-you page on your site. Buyers will be redirected here after successful payment.
  • setNote(note) A note to be displayed to buyer after successful payment. This will also be sent via email and in the receipt/ticket that is sent as attachment to the email.
  • setFilePath(file_path) Path to the file you want to sell.
  • setCoverPath(cover_path) Path to the cover image. This resolution of this image should be 950X320.
  • createOffer() Function to create an Instamojo offer.
  • editOffer(slug) Function to to edit an offer.

For createOffer(), setTitle(title), setBasePrice(base_price) and setCurrency(currency) are the bare minimum pieces of information that is required. You can (and should) as much relevant information as possible.


A PHP wrapper for the Instamojo API.


Language:PHP 100.0%