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[BUG] input with dropdown use clear the selected tag won't remove, and click will click on the text not the element.

Bangothen opened this issue · comments

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Bug report

i have a input element which is :

const filterinput = element(
await browser.wait(EC.presenceOf(filterInput));
await browser.wait(EC.elementToBeClickable(filterInput));

i have a default selction inside input box once the test reach click action, i can see it just click the selected tag inside the input box not the input box element, the expected behaviour should be click the input box instead of the text inside the box right ? the ID "filterInput" is the whole inputbox element is not the text element for sure.
and also i was trying to use await filterInput.clear() before doing the click();
it won't clear() anyting.
after i reset the input default value to empty, the click works.

  • Node Version: ``
  • Protractor Version: 5.4.0
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Feature Request

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  • Is this a breaking change? (How will this affect existing functionality)