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Why do I always need browser.sleep, although I use await!

ueveys opened this issue · comments

I wrote the following example test with Jasmine notation:
it('login', async()=>{
await"Login test");
await browser.sleep(1000);
await browser.switchTo().frame(1);
await browser.sleep(1000);
await pageP.mailAdresseAngeben("user-example");
await pageP.passwordEingeben("password-exampel");
await pageP.loginClick();

Without browser.sleep, the test fails, when I raise it again, the test is correct.

My understanding of "await":
The testing action is performed using the "AWAIT" function for the action to wait until the web element is available, which is necessary for this action.
So that the tester does not define exact time for testing options such as browser.sleep.
If I'm correct with my guess, then I should not use browser.sleep in my example.

async/await has no any relation to browser or webelements

good to know. I thought await also controls my test actions. Thanks for the answer

Where could I use async/await at protracto E2E test?

@ueveys before every command that returns Promise object. Basically that means everything except $, $$ functions