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feat(CdkMenu/CdkContextMenuTriggerFor): Allow CdkMenu to be programmatically opened/closed

shhdharmen opened this issue · comments

Feature Description

Current Behaviour

The directive CdkMenu is used with combination of CdkContextMenuTriggerFor. When user right-clicks (context-menu event), the menu gets opened and clicking on outside of the menu will close the menu.

New Feature Requested

It would be great if user can manually/programmatically open/close the menu. And also disable closing the menu clicking outside.

Possible Solutions

  1. Add a boolean input property cdkContextMenuDisableCloseOnOutsideClick - This will disable closing the CdkMenu on outside click
  2. Add an event emitter property cdkContextMenuTriggered - This will emit everytime user right-clicks (context-menu event) with the coordinates
  3. Add an event emitter property cdkContextMenuClickedOutside - This will emit everytime user clicks outside of the CdkMenu

Use Case

This will allow users to handle animations with CdkMenu if they want to apply on open/close.