anggutierrez / foodstack

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema



foodstack is a meal prep and calorie counting companion app. Where you can save recipes and track your calorie history.

App Evaluation

  • Category: Health & Nutrition
  • Mobile: True
  • Story: Companion app to aid users in making healthier food choices.
  • Market: Anyone that wants to make healthier food choices can use this app! Ranging from the average person that wants to track their food habits and athletes that use the app for meal-prepping!
  • Habit: Users can make additions to their logs after every meal and spend time browsing their saved recipes/preps.
  • Scope: foodstack will feel like more of a food diary that has the potential to have more of a "food community" feel with a few more functionalities like timeline updates, recipe sharing, and picture views of food creations from the community.

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories

  • user can sign-up for a foodstack account
  • user can log in & log out of foodstack
  • user can use the camera to set a profile picture
  • user can search for a cerain food and see its calories
    • user can double-tap to save recipes
  • user can create recipe lists
  • Location-logged eating habits
    • Google Maps SDK
  • Visual Polish
    • Auto-layout
    • Change between views with a button
    • Animations
    • External library

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

  • Persisted User across app restarts
  • Use camera to share pictures of food to a feed
  • "Explore"/"Discover" page for food, meal preps, and recipes
  • User can compile recipe lists together to create "meal prep" lists
  • Subscribe/follow a user to keep track of their food with them (togglable)

2. Screen Archetypes

  • Login Screen
    • User can login and logout
  • Register Screen
    • User can register
  • Timeline Screen
    • User can see their recent entries
  • Recipes & Meal Prep
    • Users can see their saved lists

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

  • Timeline
  • Recipes & Meal Preps

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

  • Login Sceen
    • Register screen
  • Timeline Screen
  • Recipes and Meal prep screen
    • Compose screen


[Add picture of your hand sketched wireframes in this section]



Property Type Description
createdAt string post time
author string username
profileImageView file user takes picture to update their profile photo


Property Type Description
createdAt string post time
description string to view the contents of the entry
calorieCount integer number of calories eaten


Property Type Description
recipeName string name of the recipe
recipeDescription string description of the recipe
calorieCount integer used to present calorie count to user
ingredientCount integer used to present number of ingredients to user
totalServings integer used in conjunction with ingredientCount to multply the number of ingredients. the total servings will be the number of meals
servingSize integer used to make calorie counts
macros dictionary holds various macro-nutrients


  • Timeline

    • (Read/GET) Query all entries where user is author
  • Lists

    • (Read/GET) Query all recipes where user is author
  • Compose

    • (Create/POST) Create a new entry
  • Add Recipe

    • (Create/POST) Create a new recipe
  • Search

    • (Create/POST) Create a favorite on a recipe
    • (Delete) Delete existing like
  • [Create basic snippets for each Parse network request]

  • Example GET request for spoonacular API



Language:Objective-C 100.0%