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Full screen bug

BXS0 opened this issue · comments


i noticed that when i go full screen the borders on the gui are not right.
i took a screenshot with windows Sniping Tool on window snip mode and this is what i got:
(this running to secondary monitor with bigger resolution )

Is this on the latest code? I fixed all those types of issues in bug fixes before.

If so, please can you provide the following:

  1. What is the resolution, position (left, right, top, bottom etc...) on the multi-monitor layout, and scaling factor (100%, 150% etc..) of the main monitor

  2. What is the resolution, position (left, right, top, bottom etc...) on the multi-monitor layout, and scaling factor (100%, 150% etc..) of the second monitor

And try the following:

  1. Change your monitors to both be the same Scaling of 100%. Is the problem still there?
  2. Change them both to be 200%. Is the problem still there?

Yes this is on latest version.
you really lost me on those questions so ill just tell you some more info :)

there are 2 monitors. the laptop and the monitor one.
the small laptop one works on 1600x900 resolution with no gpu scale from ati control panel and 100% scale on windows scaling.
Same with the monitor but with 1920x1080 resolution.

if i force windows to use 200% scale on both monitors the things are worst!

please let me know if there is any further information i can provide you.
if the whole thing seems really messy and you care about solving it i would be happy to teamviewer me so you can see and work on the problem at the same time.
in any case thank you for teaching us!



Ah this is the known bug

Your non-primary monitor has a larger width.

I've applied a fix that has a simple limitation right now... your window cannot be larger than the current monitors size. In future I plan to do a better fix to remove that limitation, but it is better than the current bug.


Confirm fix and I will close the bug


works perfectly now on the bigger screen and seems there is no need for a better fix.
looks like pretty normal to me as it is on this version.