andyscott / mezzo

Macro powered code hydration

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Mezzo is a hydration framework for watering and growing your code from a definition of your API.

What does this mean?

Consider a simple API for a counter:

import scala.concurrent.Future

trait CounterAPI {
  def adjust(delta: Long): Future[Long]
  def reset()            : Future[Unit]
  def read()             : Future[Long]

This is a very traditional looking API. What we really want to do is model our API as a series of case classes (an ADT). This will allow to get a lot of work done for free.

sealed abstract class CounterOp[A] extends Product with Serializable
object CounterOp {
  case class Adjust(delta: Long) extends CounterOp[Long]
  case object Reset extends CounterOp[Unit]
  case object Read extends CounterOp[Long]

If we want, we can implement the traditional interface by lifting our ADT operations into our return type of Future. We can do this with a natural transformation (~>).

import cats.~>

case class CounterOps(eval: CounterOp ~> Future) extends CounterAPI {
  import CounterOp._

  def adjust(delta: Long): Future[Long] = eval(Adjust(delta))
  def reset()            : Future[Unit] = eval(Reset)
  def read()             : Future[Long] = eval(Read)

We can go ahead and implement our API using a natural transformation. This is a lot like writing the body of an Actor, except the body is strongly typed.

class DummyCounter extends (CounterOp ~> Future) {

  override def apply[A](rawOp: CounterOp[A]): Future[A] = rawOp match {
    case op: CounterOp.Adjust => handleAdjust(op)
    case CounterOp.Reset      => handleReset()
    case CounterOp.Read       => handleRead()

  @volatile private[this] var count: Long = 0

  private[this] def handleAdjust(op: CounterOp.Adjust): Future[Long] =
    Future { count = count +; count }
  private[this] def handleReset(): Future[Unit] =
    Future { count = 0 }
  private[this] def handleRead(): Future[Long] =
    Future { count }

We can now instantly hydrate a HTTP server and HTTP client for our API.

import mezzo.Hydrate
import mezzo.h2akka._


import akka.http.scaladsl.Http

val backend = new DummyCounter()
val routes  = Hydrate[AkkaHttpRoutes].hydrate[CounterOp].apply(backend)
val binding = Http().bindAndHandle(routes, "localhost", 8080)


import akka.http.scaladsl.Http

val handler = AkkaClientRequestHandler(system, "http://localhost:8080/")
val client  = Hydrate[AkkaHttpClient].hydrate[CounterOp].apply(handler)
val counter = CounterOps(client)

And the client works as expected:

Await.result(,      10.seconds)
// res4: Long = 0

Await.result(counter.adjust(1),   10.seconds)
// res5: Long = 1

Await.result(counter.adjust(10),  10.seconds)
// res6: Long = 11

Await.result(counter.adjust(100), 10.seconds)
// res7: Long = 111

Await.result(,      10.seconds)
// res8: Long = 111

Await.result(counter.reset(),     10.seconds)

Await.result(,      10.seconds)
// res10: Long = 0


Documetation coming soon.


The license can be found in COPYING.


Macro powered code hydration



Language:Scala 100.0%