andymatuschak / react-native-leveldown

Native bindings to LevelDB for React Native, exposed as leveldown-compatible interface

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add Android bindings

andymatuschak opened this issue · comments

Right now, this project only has iOS/Mac bindings. I'd like to add Android bindings, too, but I don't have much experience with the Android build system, so I suspect it'll take me a while.

I'd be grateful for help! Looks like there are already LevelDB JNI bindings we can use.

Hey, quick update: after a little trial and error, I managed to set up the project on my machine and run the Android version of testapp. I will now proceed with the implementation of the bindings.

Rad! Thanks so much for giving it a try, @RAN3000!

I finally got all tests to pass!

I have to clean up the code, then I'll create a pull request.

Fantastic—how exciting! High-performance object stores for cross-platform clients: that's a great thing.