andymakhk / spreadSheetDB.js

Easily to save client-side data to google spread sheet.

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This library is use to save the clinet-side data into google spread sheet.

Live Demo

[Demo Survey (Static Page) ]

[Data report to Google Doc ]

How to Use:

  1. Create a google account.

  2. Create a google form via goole document.

  3. Add some customize columns ( all column type should be text box)

  4. Then you will got an automatically generated form as below link.

  5. Record the following information
    a. Form Key on the url. sample: dG9fb3I0OXNWUm9fRUlzdlpRa0RKeEE6MQ
    b. Columns Names. sample: Score, Feedback

  6. Then you can use this library to save data into the spreadsheet on your own store.

  7. Sample code will like below:

      var sheet = new SpreadSheetDB('dG9fb3I0OXNWUm9fRUlzdlpRa0RKeEE6MQ') // initial the object with form key.
        .start(function() { 
          var row = sheet.newRow(); // create new row.
          row.Score = '100';        // assign data to the customize column.
          row.Feedback = 'kukuku';
          row.submit(function(result) { if (result.success) { alert('Saved!!'); }} ); // save the data.


* IE 8, 9: The page should be used in "https" protocol
* IE 7 (and lower): Do not supported


Easily to save client-side data to google spread sheet.