andyletzhang / SwatGrains

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Substitute α for λ in cell 3.7

andyletzhang opened this issue · comments

α is a ratio of total area which is occupied by pins.

So what exactly is α?
We're quantifying the average area of a particle compared to the area of a region around each pin, which will depend on the geometry of a pin lattice. The average area of a particle is just πravg2, and the area per pin is ga2, where g=1 for a square lattice and √(3)/2 for a triangular lattice.


Using α shifts triangle data to the right compared to the squared data since α scales with λ2/g, and gsqu<gtri. Unfortunately the data still falls short of merging into a single curve: for the same pin numbers, looks like our datasets have near-identical α values.