andyletzhang / SwatGrains

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Substitute α for λ in cell 3.7

amybug opened this issue · comments

Hey Andy ... Thank you so very much for these analyses! I have the smallest question about the text accompanying the plot of vs. α. The factor g for triangular lattice is sqrt(3)/2 = 0.866 so g triangular < g square = 1.
I believe the comment above the plot says "gsqu<gtri". More important, everything good in the plot, yes? E.g for the same value of λ , α would indeed be shifted to the right for the triangular lattice as compared with the square lattice ... so these data just don't have the same value of λ ... yes?

Hi Amy, thanks for catching this! I think I just got this inequality wrong, since it's actually in the case where gtri<gsqu that we would see the triangle data points shift to the right compared to square. Everything should still look okay.


I think a 9-pin run as a point of comparison might be really useful if that's not too difficult!