androidx / media

Jetpack Media3 support libraries for media use cases, including ExoPlayer, an extensible media player for Android

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Migrated to Media 3 Debug benchflixdebug logs?

techker opened this issue · comments


We currently migrated our app to Media 3 and when in debug mode there is a really invasive log benchflixdebug? Is there a way to shut that off?

024-06-20 11:40:17.030 13641-16195 benchflixdebug com.myapp D offset: 0 size: 6144 presentationTimeUs: 600539375 flags: 0......

These logs are not coming from our library, so I'm afraid we can't help you there. Interestingly, you also seem to be the first person to ever mention this on the Internet :), so maybe it's coming from your own app or some special device set up you are using?


We found some internal bugs referencing a tool called Benchflix actually. It seems to be a third-party benchmarking tool that can be used to debug/benchmark devices. Maybe someone left this enabled/installed on your test device? I'll close the issue in any case because there still nothing we can do about that in our library.