androidx / media

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Provide Option to read unsynced lyrics using Metadata or ID3Tags

pawaom opened this issue · comments

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Provide Option to read unsynced lyrics using Metadata or ID3Tags

Currently I Am trying to read unsynced lyrics

Using the below code

override fun onTracksChanged(tracks: Tracks) {
                    tracks.groups.forEach { group ->
                        for (i in 0 until group.length) {
                            group.mediaTrackGroup.getFormat(i).metadata?.let { metadata ->
                                for (j in 0 until metadata.length()) {
                                    metadata.get(j).let {

                                        if (it is CommentFrame) {
                                            println("${} ${it.text}") // COMM <value>
                                        if (it is BinaryFrame) {
                                                "id3 BinaryFrame key: " + + " data: " +
                                            if ("USLT".equals(
                                                    ignoreCase = true
                                            ) {
                                                    "id3 UNSYNCEDLYRICS onTracksChanged: " + String(


This code is able to read synced Lyrics like below

Screenshot 2024-06-09 142733

How ever when we try to read unsynced Lyrics it is not able to read them like below

Screenshot 2024-06-09 142814

Proposed solution

It would be better if we are able to read it as metadata using

override fun onMediaMetadataChanged(mediaMetadata: MediaMetadata) {
                   mediaMetadata.title?.let( { println(it) } )


Which provides various options like Title, composer , Artist , Album etc

Alternatives considered

there are options to use Third party alternativos like .


Or mp3agic

How ever they can be unreliable and an inbuilt solution will be helpful.

This looks like a duplicate of #922