androidx / media

Jetpack Media3 support libraries for media use cases, including ExoPlayer, an extensible media player for Android

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Playback stops after 60 secs where video continues for 54 sec and audio continues for 6 more seconds

rajeevjswl opened this issue · comments

Exoplayer Version: 2.17.1
Android : AOSP 10
Custom Streaming application
Using our own OMEX implementation
App is in tunneling mode

I have been trying to debug an issue where where video continues playing for 54 sec and audio continues for 6 more seconds.
I have observed that Threadloop() in Audioflinger getting sleep and not waking up as there is no tracks to be added . Since thread is not getting up, it remains in the pause state. I can see in the logs that onStopped() api is getting called in ExoplayerImplInternal, which calls audiosink.pause() which then calls audiotrack.pause() which eventually calls native_pause().

Not able to proceed further .
Having said that , the same setup works for AOSP 11 .

Hi @rajeevjswl,

Is this reproducible on the demo app? And if that's the case, could you please provide the sample media to us as well?

Hi @rajeevjswl,

Is this reproducible on the demo app? And if that's the case, could you please provide the sample media to us as well?

Hi @tianyif ,
I tried on demo app , I don't see video at all , it is a black screen and all I could hear is audio.
I guess I need to enable tunneling mode in demo app but i am not sure how to work with that.

My custom streaming apps work in tunneling mode for video.

Hi @rajeevjswl,

To enable the tunneling mode in demo app, you can quickly add below -

 DefaultTrackSelector defaultTrackSelector = (DefaultTrackSelector) player.getTrackSelector();

after this line (in

Also, tunneling feature is known to have couple of device-specific issues as mentioned here, so would it be possible for you to reproduce on other devices, so that we can narrow down whether it is a device or a library problem?

Hi @tianyif ,
Thanks for the code snippet, I have done the similar implementation and were able to play the content in tunneling mode.
I played Clear DASH Content-HD( H264 ,MP4) .

It played beyond 1 min , however after some time of content played, I observed the following things:
1. Audio Video Sync Issue: there is a lag when I hear the audio. Video comes first then after 2-3 seconds, audio comes.
2. Fast forward or skip doesn't work

Any idea what could be the possible cause for this?

Thanks for the help and guidance!