android10 / Android-CleanArchitecture

This is a sample app that is part of a series of blog posts I have written about how to architect an android application using Uncle Bob's clean architecture approach.

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Where is the MVP's model in the presentation layer?

zhenghuiy opened this issue · comments

Hi all.
I'm new here.

In my opinion, there is only V and P in presentation layer, is it right?

The domain layer and data layer look like the M in MVP ?

If it is true, why all the articles say that presentation use MVP instead of VP?

Basically, the entities of the presentation layer are your models

@zhenghuiy Response Model is M.

it doesn't exist


As @Zhuinden said, it does not exist as you you have already data and domain architectural layers for Model purposes. In this particular example presentation contains View+Presenter code. So as you said, V+P is in one module, where M is in data module

I think that helpful might be here this example of clean architecture pattern implementation:
Here presentation module is an extra layer containing ViewModel/Presenter things, whereas View related code is isolated as another module called mobile-ui.