android / testing-samples

A collection of samples demonstrating different frameworks and techniques for automated testing

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Android - hide status and navigation bar completely for an app with nav drawer and app bar.

vimalcvs opened this issue · comments

How can I dynamically hide the status and the navigation bar completely?

The app contains a regular navigation drawer with a appbar / toolbar and FAB buttons.

When switching to full screen, the content of the navigation and the status bar is scrolled away. Two empty bars are left on the screen. I want those empty bars to hide.

if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 29)

Alt desc

@vimalcvs What you need maybe be Android app's immersive mode:

It is working...... but not working in 30 lower version.

@vimalcvs It is not related to testing-samples. You can search how to implement immersive mode for app on older Android versions with Google.