android / health-samples

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I try get data with SPO2, VO2. VO2_MAX .But i don’t get on Sam Sung watch 4?

lambui09 opened this issue · comments


SpO2 is not currently supported. Can you provide more information about your use case so I can pass the details back to the engineering team?

For VO2_MAX(), how long was the exercise length for your test? Some devices require many minutes of exercise (~20 minutes) to calculate and then return a VO2 Max value. Additionally (one the time conditions are met), Health Services returns a VO2_Max value when flush() is called. This happens either by manually calling flush or when the exercise is paused or stopped.

thank you for your support. with steps, when i run 20 minus, I get ManagerSensor, but it update lately. Is it possible to update realtime steps?

You can use Health Service's Exercise Client to get real time steps as part of a Running exercise. Our Exercise Samples are a good place to start, as they record a Running exercise, you would just need to also request steps as a data type.

To clarify, is this for steps as part of an app? Or are you looking to integrate steps into something like a watchface?