andreystepanov / pentesterland-writeups-cli

Querying Pentester Land's curated collection of bug bounty writeups from command line

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Query Pentester Land's writeups list from command line

See pentesterland-writeups-scraper for the programmatic API.


npm install --global pentesterland-writeups-cli


pentesterland list --year 2020 --fields url published_at

For better flexibility you should pipe it to jq and do all the filtering using jq syntax.

pentesterland list | jq 'map(select(.published.year == "2020") | { url, published_at })'


  • --limit -l - limit number of writeups returned
  • --title -t - search through writeups titles
  • --year -y - year of publishing
  • --month -m - month of publishing
  • --group -g - group results by year (returns object instead of array)
  • --fields -f - list of fields to return. See the schema for more details
  • --order -o - sort writeups by published_at date in asc or desc order
  • --pretty -p - Prettify JSON results


Querying Pentester Land's curated collection of bug bounty writeups from command line


Language:JavaScript 100.0%