andrey-pohilko / registry-cli

Scripts for easy manipulation of docker-registry from command line (and from scripts)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Token failure with empty error message

ronnessim opened this issue · comments

We are trying to authenticate against a simple registry2 container running locally. The same credentials work fine via docker login.

# docker run --rm  anoxis/registry-cli -l 'username':'password' -r https://my-registry:5000 --no-validate-ssl            

[ERROR] couldnt accure token:

What would cause this type of error, and what's required to be able to authenticate using the registry-cli on the registry side? Is it possible to add a more descriptive error message?

adding --auth-method GET seems to have helped, but when actually deleting images we get 404 errors:

  deleting tag d26f280f774c17e442afd2f80c706341bd50ffc5
  tag digest not found: 404.
Try adding flag --digest-method=GET

adding the flag (with or without the = sign) doesn't make a difference. This is with registry2 version 2.6. What version of the docker registry is required? Does it need 2.7?