andrewvc / em-zeromq

ZeroMQ on EventMachine

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

rzmq compat breaks ffi-rzmq

gamemachine opened this issue · comments

I see it looks like it's fixed in master. Can we get a new release cut soon? em-zeromq completely breaks the ability to use ffi-rzmq directly, without serious monkey patching, because of how it changes what recv returns.


The compat module was just a temporary measure and is now removed in master, I am currently away but I can make a release at the end of the week when I get back (I was just checking my mails), until then you can use the git repository easily if you use bundler by doing this:

gem "em-zeromq", :git => ""

I released 0.3.0, the monkey patch is gone.