andrewvasilchuk / vue-lazy-youtube-video

Vue.js component for lazyloading YouTube videos.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Getting this error in Safari, but other browsers work fine.

delta0800 opened this issue · comments

@delta0800, Thanks. I have researched a little but haven't find out a proper solution 😢. But your issue gave me the idea of creating a prop named iframeAttributes, which will apply the value of that prop to the <iframe /> element, so we can set any <iframe /> attribute we want.

Added ability so set custom <iframe /> attributes: 1ee83c4. I am going to release a new minor version ASAP.

@delta0800, I have noticed that YouTube gives you an <iframe /> element which have attribute allow, set to accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture. I have also updated the value of the allow attribute to match the YouTube version. See 9c2e4ce.

@delta0800, I have released a beta version. It's being tested right now, becaise as for now I am not sure it's stable. You can install a beta version running this command:

npm i vue-lazy-youtube-video@1.3.0-beta.0

I will publish a stable 1.3.0 realese as soon as I am sure everything works properly.

@delta0800, Actually there is no need for it. New version 1.3.0-beta.1 with SSR support is released.

@delta0800, Sorry but still I do not know hove to solve this issue? Are you running your code on site with HTTPS protocol?

@delta0800, Thanks a lot!

@delta0800, Do not getting this issue anymore.